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ITINERARI DI ARCHITETTURA | LONGARONE SANTA MARIA IMMACOLATA © ALESSIO GUARINO cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper cdn_helper


In 1966, Giovanni Michelucci was assigned the task of designing the Longarone church, to be built in response to the Vajont Dam disaster that occurred on the night of October 9, 1963. The architect refused to create a traditional commemorative monument and instead proposed a communal and associated living space. In the initial drawings, a rectangular layout with chamfered corners was outlined, and gradually, the idea of an elliptical volume generated by two overlapping cavities took shape. An external ramp envelops the central core, extending from the lower level of the crypt hall to the amphitheater square of the roof. Various sketches related to the bell tower study depict initial concepts for a bell tower that then evolves into the stylized form of a beam.